Welcome to the Democratic Law Journalism Center (DLJC)

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The Democratic Law Journalism Center (DLJC) is a non-partisan educational foundation established in 2024 by Mordechai Sones. Based on a partnership between the business community and scholars, its goal is to develop an intellectual defense of the ideals and principles of democratic capitalism.

DLJC is dedicated to the belief that the breadth and quality of the education of the individual can profoundly affect the continuance of a free society. Such education ought to nurture and enhance the range of knowledge and understanding essential for good judgment. Traditionally, this has been achieved through a strong liberal arts education, that involves understanding the tenets of various disciplines. DLJC believes that lack of education leaves men and women prey to panaceas that offer utopia, but inevitably lead to despotism. Hence the DLJC motto: “Liberty Lives in Light.”

In the face of unique cultural hostility toward our own economic system, public policy and economic analyses, though necessary, are not enough. “Experts” invariably disagree about policies and programs.

What is most needed is to strengthen the case for democratic capitalism as fairer and freer than competing systems.

Only by receiving moral and intellectual sustenance will opinion leaders, teachers, and students be persuaded to view our system – and present it to others – in a positive and healthy context.

DLJC supports the research and writing of scholars and journalists whose work fosters, promotes, and increases an understanding of democratic capitalism.

The purposes for which the Democratic Law Journalism Center (DLJC) is organized and shall operate are as follows:

  • To maintain an educational and charitable organization for students who believe in the following:
  • That problems that now beset the planet can be solved through knowledge and reason in the service of truth;
  • That their first commitment should be to political principles, not to political parties;
  • That honor and the traditional family are of principal importance;
  • That peace can best be preserved when free nations remain vigilant and strong;
  • That economic freedom is essential to political freedom;
  • That those who cannot help themselves should be helped by others, while recognizing the dangers of excessive subsidies and disincentives;
  • That civilization is in decline, and it is time for it chart a different course;
  • That it is time for students to look for new answers and ways of thinking;
  • That they should not be as interested in yesterday’s failures as in tomorrow’s successes; and
  • That dedicating themselves to time-honored traditions and values is of paramount importance.

To engender, support, and develop student leadership to eventually assume leadership roles in the lives of their communities and nations through the following means:

  1. Providing educational and related charitable programs designed to assist students in acquiring greater appreciation for non-totalitarian systems;
  2. Demonstrating techniques for such leadership, including tools for research and replication;
  3. Creating additional opportunities for enlightenment and experience in campus, community, and national life;
  4. Providing speakers, debaters, and films for student and general audiences;
  5. Sponsoring national, regional, and local campus conferences on political, governmental, economic, and educational systems;
  6. Sponsoring mock elections on campus and among general public;
  7. Offering student internship programs in public and private sectors;
  8. Granting scholarships, fellowships, and research grants to qualified students and scholars, and
  9. Providing financial assistance to those qualified whose purposes are compatible with the provisions and goals of this foundation.

The DLJC Grant Program will fund research into such issues as:

  • the political character of the money supply;
  • the politics of the globalist movement;
  • the relationship between globalism, totalitarianism, and nationalism in the Third World.

In addition, the DLJC Clearinghouse is designed to increase the effectiveness of corporate giving. The Clearinghouse will provide information and advice about organizations and individuals seeking corporate support, and will publish a Guide to Public Policy Research Organizations, and other educational materials.

The DLJC Campus Journalism Program

DLJC will offer student journalists a wide variety of services, ranging from design and production counseling and support via advertising, to national distribution assistance and the opportunity for professional development and exposure through publication in DLJC’s new annual campus digest.

The DLJC Design Service for Student Publications

Good graphic design is an effective reinforcement of good editorial content in a publication, and can serve as a vital marketing tool.

The main page should not only announce the title and contents to regular readers, it should attract and interest new readers and potential subscribers or advertisers. The interior of the site should invite thorough reading, and when the thoughts are complex, page design should aid the reader in understanding the text. As in advertising, a handsome design often makes, or breaks, a product.

DLJC will offer student editors advice on improving the graphic quality of their publications by finding the overall design best suited for the editorial tone and content. Our goal is to achieve the greatest value for the investment. Cost does not necessarily signify quality, and care and attention to graphic detail, as well as editorial content, are keys to a successful publication. A limited-budget journal or newsletter can, with a critical eye to logo, typeface, page and cover design, take on the attractive, appealing lines and professional appearance of a more costly product.

National On-Campus Distribution

Some student publications may be appropriate for distribution on other campuses. DLJC will maintain a network of Faculty Associates and Campus Representatives at nationwide schools, and would be most happy to increase a publication’s circulation through wider regional distribution at DLJC on-campus programs, if so desired.

Advertising Support

DLJC will financially assist student publications by placing in them paid advertisements for the Center’s various programs.

Library of Conservative Works

DLJC can provide student staffs with an extensive selection of works in literature, history, economics, foreign and domestic affairs, and political philosophy from which to build a library of conservative classics.

Handbook for Student Publications

Designed as a practical reference tool for student editors, this handbook will cover subjects ranging from editorial objectives and audience, staffing, design, production estimates and budget, to fundraising, advertising, subscriptions, distribution and marketing. We would welcome any further suggestions and information.

DLJC Annual Campus Digest

DLJC is deeply interested in developing and promoting the quality and impact of alternative student journalism, beyond the local confines of the campus. The campus digest will serve as an annual review of the year’s best investigative reporting, social and political commentary, interviews, literary criticism, and political cartooning culled from the nation’s conservative campus publications. DLJC will distribute the digest both to students nationwide via the Campus Representative network, and to key writers and editors at mainstream publications. This review will provide student writers and artists with a national forum for serious, insightful analysis and review; it offers both a rigorous testing ground for the exacting demands of successful journalism, and the coveted national exposure and recognition of talent, professionalism, and excellence.

Upon receiving the necessary funding, the DLJC Educational Foundation will initiate four programs: The Campus Publications Program; the Editorial Cartoon Service; the Student Journalism Awards; and, the Overseas Lecturers Program.

DLJC seeks to provide grants to cover start-up production costs for a limited number of alternative journals under the auspices of the Campus Publications Program. Considerable planning is involved to ensure that the student journalists are responsible and committed, and to establish the need for such a publication at each location.

The Editorial Cartoon Service will provide a continual stream of professional editorial cartoons and political cartoons from some of the best writers and cartoonists. The Service will be provided free to alternative student journals, which often do not have the large budgets of the already-existing campus newspapers.

The Student Journalism Awards will recognize college writers whose work best defends and promotes traditional values and free market principles.

The Overseas Lecturers Program will acquaint students and college faculty with the realities of socialism and centralized economic planning through extensive lecture tours featuring professional journalists, university professors, and others from nations that have implemented such policies. Speakers will be made available at a small cost to the host institution.

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